Non-sewered, Recirculating Water Flush Toilets in Fangshan District, Beijing

This innovative project in Huangshandian Village, Zhoukoudian Town, Fangshan District of Beijing, features a pipe-free, circulating-water flush toilet system within a 28.5 square meter housing unit that can serve up to 200 daily users. The above-ground installation includes a unisex toilet room, a male urinal, an equipment room for sewage treatment, and a solar heating system to maintain comfort. 

Each toilet room is well-equipped with lighting, ventilation, and a heating system to ensure a warm environment, maintaining approximately 15℃ during winter thanks to a hybrid solar and electric heating system.

The on-site sewage treatment, capable of processing 1,000 litres of waste daily, utilizes an advanced anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic (AAO) and electrocatalytic oxidation process, complying with ISO30500:2018 (Non-sewered sanitation systems — Prefabricated integrated treatment units — General safety and performance requirements for design and testing) and GB/T18920-2020 (The reuse of urban recycling water—Water quality standard for urban miscellaneous use) standards, enabling the recycled water to be used for flushing. This self-contained unit not only saves water but also integrates biological and chemical treatment processes, highlighting its sustainability.
